Meet the PEP Movement Team

Katrina Blackett

Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist & Lymphoedema Therapist

BAppSci(ExPhys)(Hons). MPhty.

  • Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist & Lymphoedema Therapist

    BAppSci(ExPhys)(Hons). MPhty.


    Katrina is a dual accredited as an exercise physiologist and physiotherapist. She is a passionate advocate for the role of healthy and active living across all stages of the lifespan, with the goal of achieving excellence and promoting independence for all members of the Hawkesbury community.

    Katrina is delighted to bring the concepts behind PEP Movement to life in the Hawkesbury. It has been her mission to create a space that provides access to the benefits of exercise to all people, not just those confident in a gym environment. PEP Movement provides a service to identify and treat an injury but goes the step further by providing a space to strengthen and improve all aspects of healthy living to PREVENT further injury or conditions.

    Katrina recognises that tailored healthcare plans are needed to help each individual find the healthiest version of themselves. She compliments a clear diagnosis and management plan with appropriate manual therapy and exercise to treat a broad array of acute and chronic conditions.

    Katrina has a particular interest in chronic healthcare conditions. She has completed exercise in the management of cancer studies at Edith Cowan University and is an Accredited Lymphoedema Therapist with the Australasian Lymphoedema Association. Katrina received first class honours for in her Exercise Physiology degree at The University of Sydney for her thesis which considered "Do cold fluids mitigate heat related symptoms in individuals with multiple sclerosis?" Katrina has also completed further studies in Parkinsons Disease via the well-known PD Warrior training course.

    As an athlete herself, Katrina has over 12 years experience competing at a national level. She became NSW Open Women’s Javelin State Champion in 2018, 2019 & 2023 and placed a career high 3rd at the 2023 Australian Open Championships. In the off-season you’ll find Katrina at Hawkesbury Netball courts or playing mixed 6-aside with Colo. Life as an athlete has provided insight into the role of an athlete’s healthcare team to optimise recovery and wellbeing.

    A Hawkesbury local since birth, Katrina loves the sense of community that PEP Movement brings. She looks forward to meeting more people from the area and helping the community move towards becoming the best version of themselves through healthy and active living.

Michael Ward


B.ExSc M.Phty. APAM

  • Physiotherapist

    B.ExSc M.Phty. APAM

    Michael completed a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) before successfully completing his Masters in Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney (USYD). He has a strong belief that you need to treat the whole individual, including their beliefs, hesitancy and fears, not just their injury. Michael is particularly passionate about promoting or recovering that intrinsic confidence we have in our body’s ability to move. Through building strength, understanding and resilience he hopes give people back the freedom to move without thinking and to live without worry.

    Coming from a background of sports such as basketball, rugby, surfing and athletics, Michael is accustomed to treatment on and off the physiotherapy table. He has strong interest in musculoskeletal injuries of all natures whether on the sporting field or a fall at home, but does not limit himself, having also treated neurological and orthopaedic patients whilst on hospital placements.

    Michael’s favourite quote is: “The body achieves what the mind believes”

    His goal is to give people the tools to help themselves past the doors of the clinic.

    In his free time you might find him around the gym or running the streets of North Richmond.

  • Clinic Manager

    Meet Jodie, our exceptional receptionist at PEP Movement!

    Jodie is your first point of contact and is committed to making every interaction as positive and efficient as possible. She brings a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for helping others, ensuring every client and caller receives top-notch service. Whether you’re arriving for an appointment, seeking information, or just need a friendly voice, Jodie handles it all with a welcoming smile and a professional touch. Her enthusiasm and genuine care for our clients make her an invaluable part of our team.

    We’re proud to have Jodie at the front desk, and we’re confident you’ll appreciate her exceptional service as much as we do!

Clinic Manager

Jodie O’Keeffe